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I have no idea why I need to add these pages but I can’t find anyone who doesn’t recommend it – including my whizz bang techo son.

You can buy the building prints on this page here.

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  1. John Staehle

    I have started to use caulk, acrylic craft paint and so many other water based products for my HO trains and 1/35th scale WW2 armor and figures. There are two products I have discovered in the past several years that completely outdo every other related product and had no intention of every being used for scale models that I can tell.
    First, Flexstone, a garden stepping stone that is made from recylced rubber products and it added to my collection of diorama bases very quickly as wood glue adheres to it, it does not warp or crack and each “stone” is about 9″x12″ in odd shapes and several colors, it has changed my diorama building ideas completely. When broken in random chunks the result is great cliff faces for HO layout scenery. The second product is waterproofing for wood. “Polycrylic” wood sealer is water scenery in a can, one step, no mess, no odor and when layered over several hours the creamy discoloring turns to glossy watery effect. Polycrylic can be poured into shallow stream beds or over dried caulking that simulates (in one of my dioramas, the Normandy landing) after letting the caulk dry and creating waves I poured the Polycrylic over the whole thing and my wife swears she gets sea sick looking at it. I would be happy to send you photos if you like after I get moved into my new 10×20 hobby barn in which every hobby I have will be displayed as it should be, soon I hope.
    Until then, the best,

    John Staehle, a retired Navy Chief

    • Ed Weldon

      John Staehle – Thanks for your detailed post. I have an immediate water application for Polycrylic. Did a Google search and found that product (mfg by Minwax) in quart cans at the Home Depot site; price $17.97. Pricey as “varnishes” go; but if it covers well it will go a long way. I do like the idea of using something that can be applied with a brush so you don’t get the wick up like resins you pour over a surface to create a water effect. I once built a micro layout with a deep pond in the middle colored with oil paints to simulate depth. I covered it with 1/8 clear acrylic sheet and then new at the time fast drying polyurethane gloss varnish so the brush strokes produced fine ripples. Looked great for a few weeks, then the house dust accumulated on it and wouldn’t completely wipe off. Ed Weldon

  2. Francisco Indo


  3. Alex Partyka

    I would like some help can someone tell me the best way to install lights for houses? I have several different ones and don’t want to be drilling large holes in my platform. Hope someone cam give me suggestions
    Thank you Alex

  4. Ray Gress

    I love all the advice and tips

  5. why not give us a free building on line like a watchmens shanty or something so we can try your product

  6. Oscar Diaz

    reduce to n scale how to.

  7. Delgun Steel

    Hi There,

    First of all thank you very much for all the email and very good advice that you send out. As I am wanting to make a South African HO layout there is very limited buildings etc. If I were able to get pictures and dimensions through to you please let me know if it would be possible to ask you to print them out and also any idea of the cost that will be involved
    Kind Regards,

  8. steve jean

    What its the ‘factor’ to adapt the designs to o-gauge?

    You Rock!

  9. Bill Cantrell

    I am getting regular emails from you and we love them. We have just gotten around to building our first platform (4×8′) and will be adding another
    plus some extensions. Once we get the base and track in place, we will start on scenery and buildings, which is where your info is the greatest. I really like the “printed buildings” idea.

  10. builder kim

    Hi everyone.I have a bunch of easy builds out of recycle.Such as power poles telephone poles.As close just about you can get to the real looking things.I have made up print out plans of homes stores few other.ya print out the same size and ya have HO.All made from balsawood.I have made 16 poles tomany and am willing to give away free just pay the shipping cost to where ever it goes.I dont know how in this site to send pictures of my builds so i will have to have help to let me know where to send them.take care all.

  11. Peter Summers

    I have G scale, can building be enlarged 2x and printed on a “D” SIZE SHEET?

  12. George Madison

    My wife just bought a coffee table to display a z gauge Marklin set I’ve come by. The display draw is 29″ W x 32″D x 2″ H. Just wondering what track design I could do to show off the Southern 4501 steam engine, since I live in Chattanooga where it resides. My Marklin track sets include E + T1 + T2 + T3. What could I build in a 29″ x 29″ in. space? Thanks…..

  13. Do you have the capability to help me to print your wonderful looking buildings in some form of 1 Gauge {G scale}?

  14. Al 12/2/2012

    Just purchased and downloaded the corn house.
    I must admit I was leary about doing it. Piece of cake.The whole operation took about five minutes,that includes printing it out. No problems at all. The best part it looks teriffic.
    How about comming up with a wooden watering tower for steam locos?
    Black River Falls,Wi.U.S.A.

  15. 😯 I just used my wife’s eye shadow to weather a building…WORKS GREAT

  16. If you created a barn, gazeebo, school house, and/or country store. I would buy them. Thanks.


  17. Tom Mierau

    Perhaps you can help me. I see you sell Marklin 3-rail track here on eBAY. I wish to build a small “test-oval” with curved ends whose radii are close to the 15: radius on American HO track. Does Marklin offer curved sections at about that radius? Do you carry enough for me to maks a full circle? I am interested in that plus a few sections of straight for now… I bought a beautiful Marklin locomotive and I want to try it out. If I am satisfied, I will be purchasing more Marklin track to add a new line to mu layout.

  18. Jeff Warren

    Hi Alastair, I used to receive E-Mails from you but do not anymore. i really miss those ideas you and others have. is it possible to get more E-Mails? thanks jeff.

  19. πŸ’‘ Note to beginners: When laying a straight line of track, use a straight edge the full length of the run(a wooden yard stick works well) Tack down the yard stick and butt the track up against the stick. Tack down the track. Now remove the yard stick. WOW! what a beautiful run.

    St Candler

  20. Me too! (G scale). Where can I see your answers to the questions that others have posted? Also, I want to add some construction equipment to my layout and have found no Caterpillar dirt moving equipment models of the 50’s and 60’s in G scale or 1/25 scale other than very expensive museum type models. Do you think this picture-to print-to 3D modeling could be adapted to reasonable facsimilies of equipment? Thanks, Al, and any one else seeing this that may care to respond……john

  21. Martin Williams

    Hello, Almost embarassed to ask but how does one use the ebay ‘cheat sheet’?
    One of those things one thinks everyone in the room knows but me……too old to worry now, lol


  22. robert dale

    PVC glue mixed with water?? have fun squirting that sludge. no, you want to use good old, nice-smelling, non-toxic white glue. elmer’s works great and they make a good carpenter’s glue for holding foam roadbed (cork is out) and track down to your benchwork. track is easily salvageble and washable later on.

  23. Carlos Chavez

    Your site is darn good and full of ideas and info.

  24. charles

    How could I find some parts which come from tri-ang? as my father want to have a part for his train… Stephenson rocket 00 Gauge loco. Brush clip, attached to a wire…?

  25. Doug Hagler

    revived the model train hobby with my grandkids interest in it the print out buildings are great Im building a small layout with a HO scale slot car set with the trains the layouts are great Thanks

  26. Don gator Henry

    love the tips thanks gator


    for the guy looking for simulated corrugated iron sheet, try IKEA children’s section, pack of ten sheets about 10 inch by 7 inch Β£2-00.

  28. Jeff Thompson

    Hi Al, Your layout clips show a whole lot of thought and exhibit an interesting admixture of trackage and ops features. So much for my present design plan. Oh well, on to Mk 31!! πŸ™„

    BTW – Do you have an overhead photo of that very complex layout-in-the-making that you are using as your Bloghead photo?


    Jeff Thompson

  29. The eBay cheat sheet is WONDERFUL!!!…..but for those of us who are also heavily into G/Large scale, we feel a little left out of the incredible convenience it could offer. Any chance it can be added? πŸ™„ Thx!!!…… Ron

  30. How do I upload Pictures with an article?

  31. Crnlrog Hall

    How do I get them

  32. Can I inlarge the prints for G-scale?

    I have a large plotter, for 48” wide paper.

  33. I made my first huse figuring start easy — made pencil outline on card stock- followed video directions- I DID NOT pipe the base on , thankfully
    as I would not have been able to hold the tab for the roof in place… For first try, not too bad but a little cockeyed !!!!! I think I may do a few things differently suck as cutting the car stock first then the printed building…. his willll be met interesting ta. the end….. Carl Kokes

  34. First off, thank you for making such a great collection of printouts. They’ve certainly added great detail to our layout.

    Is there an easy way to retrieve the download link from my purchase, as I see to have lost it.

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