Tag Archives: track ballast

More on laying those tracks…

The best thing about model railroads is that any age, it’s still fun.

Here’s a fine point that demonsrates this. My grandson has been asking me for ages to help him build a railroad. So I thought a fine time to begin would be at the start of the summer holidays.

Now bearing in my mind my first post, here’s what we achieved. Take a look at the three pictures:

Here’s where we’ve put cork under the railtrack, after marking it out on the baseboard.

Here’s my grandson adding the ballast with a toothbrush.

And here’s where we add the glue with a 50/50 water mix.

Now remember I started this blog by saying model railroading is fun at any age? Well, it is – but more fun at different ages.  His track stayed as the last photo all summer…